Sunday, July 27, 2014

100+ Definitions 60

Invincible #60

Invincible #60 (I#60):  Puny readers, facing you are the imperialistic events of the superlative comic book Invincible.  In these master pages multiple versions of Invincible assemble through the machinations of the dimension-hopping supervillain Angstrom Levy.  This Invincible ensemble possesses the empathy of sharks at a feeding frenzy.  I’ll loosen the electronic gag on this scrawny scribe to elaborate.

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): Each evil version of Invincible (there are at least 16 permutations) attacks a city on Earth with the purpose of ruining Invincible’s reputation.  Cameos abound as the heroes of the Image universe (Union Jack, Spawn, Tech Jacket, Savage Dragon, Witchblade, The Darkness, Shadowhawk, Pitt, Young Blood, Cyberforce, Madman, and many others) assemble to subdue the conquest-minded versions of Invincible.

I#60: Cease your bleating L-FL, I can stomach no more babble that seeps from your lips.
The issue continues portrays that after three days, eight evil Invincibles survive the Invincible War triumphant amidst Earth’s devastated cities.  Then the Angstrom-Levy betrayal occurs.  Disagreeing with the superior strategies of the Invincible octet, Levy cowardly transports the eight to an empty Earth covered with sand.  Listener, speak.

L-FL:  Invincible, Kid Omni-Man and Bulletproof attack Angstrom Levy.  Kid Omni-Man encourages his big brother, Invincible, to kill Levy, and after Mark Grayson (Invincible) agrees, Levy opens a dimensional portal and escapes to a highly advanced medical dimension where the populace refuses to follow his orders. The superhero definition from this issue includes the idea that the best supervillain battles the superhero with the superhero’s own traits and powers.

I#60: My God….

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