Friday, July 11, 2014

100+ Definitions 49

Invincible #49

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): The issue begins with Cecil, leader of the secret government group The Global Defense Agency, prompts D.A. Sinclair to unleash his army of reanimen under the leadership of the tarnished hero Darkwing to rescue the heroes from the clutches of Doc Seismic. 

Invincible #49 (I#49):  The heroes are released and defeat Doc Seismic and his underground monsters. 

L-FL: Invincible curses Nightwing as a murderer and discovers that the rest of the heroes possess no knowledge Darkwing’s homicidal acts in Nightcity.

I#49: While confronting Cecil, Invincible discovers that D.A. Sinclair is supported and employed by the government of the United States. 

L-FL: Invincible grows very angry and gets lured into the white room (where only a select few can view any details in the room) where he is attacked by a platoon of reanimen. 

I#49: These events advance the definition of superhero as one accustomed to working alone or with a small select group where all members rely on their individual powers or their own teams.  Superhero carries a strong link with individuality.

I#49: That works well, especially for the element of surprise.

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