Friday, July 25, 2014

100+ Definitions 58

Invincible #58

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): Issue #58 of the Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley’s superhero comic Invincible must have been edited by the Home and Garden network.  There is a lot of focus on houses.

Invincible #58 (I#58): I don’t know L-FL, that claim seems a bit exaggerated.  The story begins with Mark and Oliver (Invincible and Kid Omni-Man) honing their flying speed…

L-FL:…and the scene ends with Oliver crashing through the roof their house! 

I#58: Yeah, well, the scene shifts to Samantha Wilkins leaving the prison in a business suit…

L-FL:…where she’s secured payment for her and Invincible to work so that they can buy a house!  Then the scene shifts to Immortal and Dupli-Kate house hunting.  Also included is Lethan, Ruler of Atlantis, sitting on his throne, at home, awaiting adventure. 

I#58: *sigh,* yes, there may a hint of a house theme, but this issue also includes Robot halting the reverse aging process for Monster Girl and Shapesmith acquiring a new costume.

L-FL: True, and we also read a scene of Black Samson encouraging and supporting Darkwing, and Rus Livingston (possessed by the alien Sequids) sits in his apartment, his home, with the landlady screaming about two months back rent.  The story also includes Oliver working with his tutor in the living room of his home!  This special Home and Garden Network special issues implies that a superhero possesses a home, literally and/or metaphorically, or is actively seeking a home, a place of belonging, a place of their own, an environment of safety and encouragement.

I#58: It’s a start.

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