Saturday, August 23, 2014

100+ Definitions 96

Invincible #96

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL):  Issue 96 of Invincible concludes the final story bundled in the Invincible Compendium 2…a tome that makes the Cerebus “phone books” look Twiggy in comparison.  The story contained in issue 96 begins where the last issue left off in the Flaxan realm of the past.  Monster Girl continues her tearful narrative to Robot. 

Invincible #96 (I#96): Her news prompts the couple to return to their own time and their own dimension. 

L-FL: The rest of the issue, mostly, is set in the present where the fight against Monster Girl’s offspring continues until the heroes triumph. 

I#96: Other incidents on a smaller scale flesh out the issue.  Bulletproof’s parents finally figure out that he, instead of his brother, is the superhero Bulletproof (and Invincible).   A Viltrumite receives chastisement from Thragg for aiding humanity.

I#96: A confession from Oliver to his brother includes an understanding of Mark’s affection for Earth, and Oliver pledges to protect the planet as well, thanks to his brother’s example. We also see the reconciliation of Robot and Monster Girl.  Dinosaurus has a panel in which he prepares something sinister.  The final page is another flashback to Robot in the Flaxan realm, prepared to depart, with an informer telling Robot of Monster Girl’s child.  Robot gives orders to have the child and bloodline destroyed.

L-FL: Superhero pulls its definition from Mark’s actions and the affect they have on Oliver.  A superhero’s actions adhere to an ethical creed that aids others and serves as an example that inspires others to act in a similar manner.

I#96: Including the un-born halfbreed that grows within the traitorous Zaxal belly.

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