Sunday, August 17, 2014

100+ Definitions 89

Invincible #89

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): The plot of issue 89 involves Invincible battling the Scourge virus on the last Viltrumite spaceship located, where else, on the dark side of the moon.

Invincible #89 (I#89): The issue also includes the superhero Bulletproof adopting the costume and identity of Invincible to help the business prospects of Invincible Inc.  He also hits on Atom Eve. 

L-FL: While Invincible battles the virus, the Guardians of the Globe, Atom Eve, Allen the Alien wait in the Viltrumite ship to learn of Mark Grayson’s recovery.  Dinosaurus actively lends a claw in researching for a cure.

I#89: A revelation, that leads to the death of the discovering scientist—never cool, regarding Nolan and Mark links them  to the lost son of Argall, the heir to the Viltrumite throne.

L-FL: Superheroes have their identity irreplaceably linked to their costumes to the point where the costume becomes a symbol that surpasses the individual within the costume.

I#89: I always did like that costume.

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