Sunday, June 29, 2014

100+ Definitions 29

Invincible #29

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL):  This issue of Robert Kirkman’s, Cory Walker’s, and others’ comic contains a grandiose battle between five Viltrumites.

Invincible #29 (I#29):  Mark and Nolan Grayson (the son and father superheroes Invincible and Omni-Man), the two Viltrumites who’ve become advocates for Earth, battle three agents sent to arrest Nolan for abandoning his post.

L-FL: The fight progresses poorly for Mark.  His Viltrumite opponent reveals Mark’s lack of training and complacency in his powers used against the weaker heroes and villains encountered on Earth.

I#29: Initially, Nolan seems to have vanquished the three opponents, but a thought-dead Viltrumite attacks Nolan from behind and becomes the victor.  Other Viltrumites appear to tend to the wounded and transport Nolan back to his home planet so that he may stand trial (with strong implications of an impending execution).  Mark is given 100 years to prepare Earth for a Viltrumite invasion. 

L-FL: Nolan gives his son a final piece of advice before their separation.  He tells him to read his books.  The issue also includes a two page twelve panel update on the Mauler clones.  Having a clear distinction between the original and the clone leads to the original Mauler believe he is superior to the clone, so the clone poisons his creator and clones a new version indistinguishable from himself. 

I#29: The contents of this issue suggest a definition of superhero as an empowered being that needs others of equal or greater power to reach her or his full potential.  The absence of this challenge could result in a defeat like Nolan received from the Viltrumites when they took him.

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