Wednesday, August 20, 2014

100+ Definitions 93

Invincible #93

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): Past actions and the literary present collide in the pages of Invincible number 93.

Invincible #93 (I#93): The first half of this comic narrates Robot and Monster Girl’s time in the Flaxan dimension.  The second half of this installment tells of a new invasion of Earth by the Flaxans.  And Robot was pissed when he learned his 700-year plan to eliminate the threat of Flaxan colonialism to other dimensions.

L-FL: Yes, Robot and Monster Girl, during their time in Flaxan space, devised a strategy that stretched into centuries where Robot and Monster Girl would become the rulers of the Flaxan civilization and then politically stabilize the empire and bring a prosperity and peace that would eliminate the need to invade other dimensions.

I#93: The second section of the story has multiple two-page spreads showing melees between Flaxan warriors and Earth’s superheroes.  The issue concludes with a giant armored Flaxan unknown to everyone with the exception of Robot.

L-FL: This divergence and convergence of times and intentions and actions pushes forth a definition of superhero as an empowered individual with the ability for foresight that stretches far far into the future.

I#93: I’ll call Cecil.

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