Tuesday, August 12, 2014

100+ Definitions 80

Invincible #80

Invincible #80 (I#80):  The End is here!  Las Vegas, Nevada is destroyed!  In this issue!  The city of sin turns to glass!

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): Well, yes, the end of issue Invincible number 80 has the eco-supervillain Dinosaurus destroying the city to ease the environmental stress on the Colorado river.

I#80: And to ease the stress on the rest of the environment!  Dinosaurus suggests Las Vegas would serve far better as a field of solar panels.

L-FL: Before the destruction of the city, the story also shows Mark’s mom and father travel to Talescria (the planet at the center of the Coalition of Planets, and where Oliver Grayson convalesces from wounds received in the Viltrumite War).

I#80: And Las Vegas is razed!

L-FL: Readers also watch Invincible intercept Gravitator, a new supervillain, and talks him out of a life of crime. 

I#80: Crime housed in the city Las Vegas which is now destroyed!

L-FL: The definition of superhero rising from this issue encompasses the meaning of a being focused on doing good in the immediate present for the individual instead of extrapolating actions into the future and working the good at a social and global scale.

I#80: It’s…all…gone.

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