Sunday, August 17, 2014

100+ Definitions 87

Invincible #87

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): A return to Earth and Invincible’s alliance with Dinosaurus (a well-intentioned amoral eco-terrorist/warrior).  The two work together to defeat Omnipotus.  Dinosaurus decapitates the villain with his teeth, not witty banter.

Invincible #87 (I#87): Yuck.  The victory celebration thrown by the rest of the heroes (who were defeated by Omnipotus) has all the appeal of a picnic during a sharknado.

L-FL: Invincible avoids capture, visits his girlfriend, talks with the head of the Global Defense Agency explaining his new set of ethics and alliance with a violent dinosaur ecologist.

I#87: After learning his old friend Allen the Alien has entered Earth’s orbit, Invincible meets him in space.  Allen informs him of his plan to release the Scourge virus on Earth.  Invincible vehemently protests this strategy, and a fight erupts.  It ends, along with the issue’s story, when the leader of the Viltrumites, Thragg, flies into space to stand by Invincible’s side.

L-FL: All of which goes to suggest a definition of superhero as an individual able to stand against one-time friends for what the individual believes is best.

I#87: This sentiment coordinates with the ink on my pages; he has me.

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