Monday, June 9, 2014

100+ Definitions 9

Invincible #9

Low-Frequency Listener (L-FL): The issue opens with the alien from issue 5 rescuing the crew of the Starship Enterprise (The Next Generation cast) and the shows Mark’s father on a mountain top trying to decide how to talk to his son while Mark has a sleepover for his birthday. Auditions are held for the new Guardians of the Globe. Two clone villains resurrect The Immortal who immediately upon revival flies off to seek revenge against Omni-Man. 

Invincible #9 (I#9):  Thanks for that introduction L-FL.  From my experience, I would define a superhero as an individual in possession of extraordinary powers, even though those powers don’t instantly result in camaraderie and support. Super powers often expand instead of contract ego which gives more interest (and disagreements) to teams.

L-FL:  An interesting point.  John Jennings (co-Author of the comic The Hole: Consumer Culture) exerts in his essay “Superheroes By Design” that “a superhero is one of the most effective visual communication vehicles ever designed.”

Jennings goes on to elaborate on this claim and writes that “…the superhero is a compelling visual communication vehicle that utilizes tried and true design elements coupled with powerful social connotations in order to convey specific ideologies connected to our society’s beliefs and cultural practices. The visual signifiers of the superhero resonate with us—the physical performance of the powers, the superhero costume (which highlights the design element of color and principle of symmetry), and the display of the physically fit body….Superheroes represent what we want to be, either physically or spiritually.  As long as there is evil to conquer and injustices to make right, the superhero will be there to symbolize the struggles we all must endure in our personal journeys to vanquish the foes within ourselves."

I#9:  Damn.

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